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Business Meeting


Happy Businessman


We can help get you Noticed and Prepared every step of the way

Work with those who have worked in your shoes to get the best Results!

All BYRNEL Consultants understand the trials and tribulations of working your way up the corporate ladder as we once worked in the industry for many years whether it be in Finance, Accounting, Marketing or Operations.  We provide a level of comfort to our candidates by speaking the same language and lingo used in their day to day jobs in addition to providing sound advice from the candidate perspective as we were once on that side of the fence as candidates climbing the corporate ladder at one point during our past careers. 


To often in our past experience as candidates ** Those Other Agencies ** would paint opportunities as perfect fairly tales that would end up becoming nightmares based on false pretense. 


At BYRNEL we have a ** TELL IT LIKE IT IS ** approach and are upfront with candidates from the get go regarding opportunities. Companies come in all shapes and sizes with their own trials and tribulations and as such you should have the right information at your disposal to assess whether an opportunity it is a right fit for your future career aspirations. As a result at BYRNEL we believe in ** Full Transparency ** and provide our candidates the best information possible at our disposal, in addition we encourage our candidates to do their own due diligence on opportunities whether it be going to Glassdoor to review company ratings or on various Financial sites such as Google Finance to research the latest news and performance on a firm.

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